Friday, July 18, 2008

Lazy T / The Sampler

So I have been the worst blogger as of late. I have been feeling a bit less then creative, but need to get it into gear I know...

One thing I have been up to is creating a set of samples (a monkeys in hats gift pack that includes a blank note card, bookmark, and button) to send into the greatest place that I recently learned about called the Sampler. It is a great program where crafty people like me, or even writers ans musicians can send in samples of there work. The great people at the sampler then put together packages of samples and send them out to their subscribers. I'm super excited to be featured on their website, and to have my samples sent out, now I just have to get my ass in gear and update my website for all those new customers that I hope to get.


Where's Domo? said...

I would like to invite you to my blog. Hope to see you there!

PostMuse said...

I got one of your samples in August Sampler and this month I got a sweet little pin. The notecard sample went to a friend in Australia, who loved it. I'm keeping the pin :-) Thank you!